Juliette Benzoni
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Juliette Benzoni

Bienvenue sur le forum sur Juliette Benzoni. Celui-ci est géré par Frédérique, Mistral et Stéphanie .... Bonne visite
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 looking for the "right" version!

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Nombre de messages : 33
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2008

looking for the "right" version! Empty
MessageSujet: looking for the "right" version!   looking for the "right" version! EmptyLun 3 Mar - 5:20

Bonjour Stéphanie

I hope you can help me with my "little" problem Sad I am still looking for " Un piège pour Catherine" and " La Dame de Montsalvy" by Trèvise. I have seen "piège pour Catherine" by Abebooks. My question: which is the older version, the one with the castle in the background and Catherine in front - or the other one, with also a bit of castle, a man (Philippe?) and Catherine. Question
Also, how does the original cover look like from "La Dame de Montsalvy?

It would be awfully nice if someone told me Smile I am collecting them - and these two are still missing..

I have begun to study French...like listening to old French songs and watch French news lol! and maybe I shall take some French lessons. And who knows, I shall try to write in French

Best wishes to all of you. Mistral
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